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Multilingualism: Need of the hour in a customer-centric world

Multilingualism: Need of the hour in a customer-centric world

The business landscape has changed as a result of the digital revolution. It used to be all about services, products, and customers, but now it’s all about services and products for customers. 

You can see how the parameters have changed since today’s business world revolves entirely around customers. All matters: their criteria, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When the market is so fierce, businesses cannot afford to fall behind; all they want to do is offer the best service possible to their customers.

Businesses keep looking for ways to change in order to provide better customer services. They search for problems and then propose solutions. Businesses evaluate customer issues such as slow response time, lack of personalized service, less comprehensive details, better engagement, and so on, and then come up with mind-boggling solutions for their customers.

This has undoubtedly aided in attracting customers who are familiar with your company or who understand you. But do you think you have reached out to all the possible customers out there?

Well, the answer is NO!

There are many potential customers who are willing to get your products or avail of your services. If you’re wondering why you’re not aware of this, it’s because certain individuals are unable to comprehend your services. The only real issue here is the language barrier.

When we say language barrier, we are talking about those who give preference to their language. All those who might understand your language but are not comfortable with it. Those who would select someone else’s services or product because they provide offerings in their chosen language, as well as in other languages, altogether they offer multilingual services!

All those businesses that are perplexed as to why they are unable to achieve global penetration and effectively reach their target market? It’s because many customers expect multilingual customer service, and it’s past time for businesses to start making provisions to offer customer support in their native language. 

Many of you might still be wondering WHY MULTILINGUAL?

We’re sure you don’t want your customers to leave and look for their needs elsewhere. This is one of the most important reasons: when customers who are looking for their simple concerns and questions about a product or service are unable to figure it out because of a language barrier, they likely to move somewhere else. In simple terms, you losing customers.

Also, according to a report, 70% of end-users claim they are more loyal to businesses that provide service in their native language.

 So by implying Multilingual Customer Service, you are providing your company with the opportunity to reach a high degree of customer satisfaction.

In this article, we will help you understand the benefits of Multilingual Customer Service.

Establishes a Global Footprint

Multilingual Customer Service allows you to expand your company. It aids in the provision of better services and the development of a customer base that is not limited by language. It enables companies to create a platform that reaches the widest possible audience, allowing them to access their services in their chosen language.

According to a report, when given the choice, nine out of ten internet users said they always went to a website in their language.

Therefore, businesses that are multilingual will target high-growth areas and expand into profitable markets.

Make Services Accessible

When you have services that are in multiple languages, it makes it easy for the customer to access them. With multiple language options for your customers, you provide accessible customer service. The customers then find it easy to contact and communicate with you. If your services are in one language, you are only open to limited people. 

According to a report, 35% of end customers are likely to switch to services that accessible in their native language. Multilingual services allow you to welcome and extend your customer base to your potential audience.

Enhance Customer Experience

Every company should strive to provide a superior customer experience. Helping your customers and answering their questions is easy, and everyone does it. 

See Also

Reportedly, 67% of consumers are likely to switch brands because of poor customer experience.

Things improve and change when customers receive assistance and services in their preferred language. The language here plays a vital role because it not only builds trust but also improves customer satisfaction. 

Customers should not be put off by communication barriers since they receive a more convenient and supportive journey with multilingual customer services.

Provide Competitive Edge and Increase Brand Reputation

Every business wants to stand out, and one way to do so is to have multilingual customer service.  According to 71% of customer service representatives, offering help in the customer’s native language boosted customer retention and brand loyalty.

Hence, multilingual services will assist companies in presenting a significant opportunity to differentiate themselves and gain a strategic advantage in the global marketplace. Customers will be benefited from multilingual contact because their questions will be heard, acknowledged, and answered, enhancing the brand’s credibility.


Multilingual Customer Service is an absolute must! 

It redefines the way businesses connect with customers. By localizing services, businesses can ease the complicated process of connecting with customers and provide a smooth and efficient experience. Multilingual customer service will assist and empower you to connect with customers who prefer their native language. It will boost sales, strengthen brand loyalty, and meet customers’ standards. Customer service has a significant impact on any organization, and if they are finding it difficult to communicate with you, it is time to intervene.

About the author:

Neha Modgil, COO, TECHVED Consulting

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