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Hamdard Laboratories launches its new digital marketing campaign #SehatHaiToWatanHai

Hamdard Laboratories launches its new digital marketing campaign #SehatHaiToWatanHai

Hamdard Laboratories (Medicine Division) launches a digital marketing campaign ‘Sehat Hai to Watan Hai’ to step in and help people rejuvenate, restore and revitalize the lost energy. The campaign aims to urge people to be more mindful of their health and pursue a healthier lifestyle to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. A part of Hamdard’s ‘Healthy India Hamdard India’ initiative, this new campaign, in the form of a digital film, will be featured across social media platforms along with e-commerce and entertainment portals to engage with the audience.   

The brand’s latest campaign, #SehatHaiToWatanHai is targeted at highlighting Hamdard’s commitment to holistic wellbeing. The company aims to help the nation heal and encourage fellow Indians to stay strong and lead a healthy life with realistic fitness goals, develop strong immunity, and sustain both physical and mental health. Furthermore, the campaign emphasizes consuming products that are effective for maintaining good health and a strong immune system that is crucial in the current scenario.   

Hamdard laboratories will provide special offers on health checkups and medical consultations at all Hamdard Wellness centers and through online consultancy throughout the duration of the campaign. Patients going through recovery from Post-Covid symptoms will also be able to get assistance at Hamdard’s Wellness centers under the #SehatHaiToWatanHai campaign. 

Speaking about the initiative, Suman Varma, Chief Marketing Officer, Hamdard Laboratories (Medicine Division) says, “The situation in the country has been grim for a while. People are looking for strength, HOPE, and commitment from people and institutions who can promise them a better, healthier nation. We felt this is the right time to showcase HAMADRD’s commitment to the nation by being the first to say that while the battle with Corona may still continue, Hamdard promises to heal the bodies that have gone through the energy sucking fight with the virus, through its own range of natural products. The heavy medication, the lack of oxygen and the strong doses of Steroids have left people with damaged systems.” 

“To REJUVENATE, RESTORE and REVITALISE the lost energy, Hamdard is committing to bringing back –BHARAT KI TAQAT with its Unani medicine. #SehatHaiTohWatanHai is a call to the nation to work towards building a strong immune system, naturally,” adds Varma.

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