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Eggfirst Co-founder and CEO, Ashish Banka moves on

Eggfirst Co-founder and CEO, Ashish Banka moves on

After a dynamic tenure as the Co-founder and CEO of Eggfirst, Ashish Banka is stepping down from his role to embark on a new chapter in his career.

Ashish is a veteran in the media advertising industry, boasting an impressive 18-year track record in spearheading media businesses. His area of expertise extends beyond traditional boundaries, as he has successfully crafted Intellectual Properties (IPs) in Rural Marketing and Entertainment industry.

With immense marketing experience across Rural and Urban demographics and specific focus on rural communication over the last 2 years, Ashish is likely to continue his focus on advancing rural access for brands using digital solutions. He aims to direct his efforts towards expanding rural online community and facilitate their engagement with brands seeking to connect with the under-served population in India.

Reflecting on his journey, Ashish stated, “It’s been an incredible 2 years at Eggfirst, filled with growth and achievement. I am proud of what we have accomplished together as a team. Now, I am excited to announce that I will be moving on to my next Ad-Venture in the near future.”

Prior to his role at Eggfirst, Ashish co-founded IWMBuzz, a prominent media and entertainment publication. Having done extensive content and Intellectual Properties (IPs) work at IWMBuzz, including one of India’s Largest OTT Awards, Ashish has a proven track record of crafting Branded Content that are platform agnoustic.

Banka remains tight-lipped about his upcoming endeavors.

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